A discount that lowers the amount you have to pay for deductibles, co-payments, and co-insurance. Through Nevada Health Link, cost-sharing reductions are often called "extra savings." If you qualify, you must enroll in a plan in the Silver category to get the extra savings.
- When you fill out a Nevada Health Link application, you'll find out if you qualify for premium tax credits and extra savings. You can use a premium tax credit for a plan in any metal category. But if you qualify for extra savings too, you'll get those savings only if you pick a Silver plan.
- If you qualify for cost sharing reductions, you also have a lower out-of-pocket maximum - the total amount you'd have to pay for covered medical services per year. When you reach your out-of-pocket maximum, your insurance plan covers 100% of all covered services.
- If you're a member of a federally recognized tribe or an Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) Corporation shareholder, you may qualify for additional cost sharing reductions.