It's important to pay your monthly premium in full to your health insurance company by the due date. Your coverage could end if you fall behind on payments.
How to pay your premium
- Pay online
- Send to carrier by mail
Before your health insurance company can end your coverage for non-payment, you have a short period of time to pay called a "grace period." You may only be considered for the grace period if you are receiving tax credits.
The health insurance grace period is 90 days if both of the following are true:
- You have an Exchange plan and qualify for advance payments of the premium tax credit.
- You’ve paid at least one full month's premium during the benefit year so far.
The grace period starts the first month you fail to pay, even if you make payments for following months. If your health insurance company ends your coverage because you didn't pay all outstanding premium payments in full by the end of your grace period, you have the right to appeal if you believe it was wrongly terminated.
Note: The length of your grace period may be different if you don’t qualify for a premium tax credit.