1040 federal or state tax return. Note: It must contain first and last name, income amount, and tax year. Starting with 2018 tax returns, if you file Schedule 1, you must submit it with your 1040. Schedule 1 shows additional income and adjustments, like capital gains, unemployment compensation, student loan interest, or self-employment tax.
Wages and tax statement (W-2 and/ or 1099, including 1099 MISC, 1099G, 1099R, 1099SSA, 1099DIV, 1099SS, 1099INT). Note: It must contain your first and last name, income amount, year, and employer name (if applicable).
Pay stub. Note: It must contain your first and last name, income amount, pay period or frequency of pay with the date of payment. If a pay stub includes overtime, please indicate average overtime amount per paycheck.
Self-employment ledger documentation (can be a Schedule C, the most recent quarterly or year-to-date profit and loss statement, or a self-employment ledger). Note: It must contain your first and last name, company name, and income amount. If you’re submitting a self-employment ledger, include the dates covered by the ledger, and the net income from profit/loss.
Social Security Administration Statements (Social Security Benefits Letter). Note: It must contain first and last name, benefit amount, and frequency of pay.
Unemployment Benefits Letter. Note: It must contain your first and last name, source/agency, benefits amount, and duration (start and end date, if applicable).