The fastest, easiest way to submit any required documents is to upload them into your account on Nevada Health Link.
- To get started, you'll need an electronic file of the document saved on your computer. It can be a scan or a photo.
- Make sure the file:
- Contains a clear, readable image
- Is in one of these formats: .bmp, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .pdf, .png
- Is under 5 MB
- Has a file name without a colon, semicolon, asterisk, or any other special character
- Once you have the documents on your computer, log into Nevada Health Link to upload them.
For more detailed instructions, see:
- Submitting documents if you are conditionally eligible
- Submitting documents to prove your identity
- Submitting documents to confirm a Special Enrollment Period
- List of acceptable documents by issue type
Need help submitting documents?
We highly recommend that you find a free local agent or enrollment professional who can assist you. To do this, click the Help & Support link at the top of the Nevada Health Link website and then select Find Local Assistance. This will take you to a directory where you can enter your zip code and see a list of certified enrollment professionals in your neighborhood.
Mailing documents
We do not recommend mailing your documents as mailed documents take much longer to process. If you are unable to upload your documents, you can mail your documents to the following address.
- Mailed documents may take several weeks to receive and process, so don't wait until the last day of eligibility to mail in your documents.
- Do not send original documents: Send photocopies only. Documents will not be returned.
- Include your printed bar code page. It's on the last page of your eligibility notice. If you don't have a bar code, include your printed name and the application ID. Your application ID is beneath your mailing address at the top of your notice.
- We can't accept documents by email or fax.