When you apply for Nevada Health Link coverage and qualify for a Special Enrollment Period, you may be asked to provide documents to confirm the events that make you eligible. If your eligibility results don't say you need to provide documents, you don't have to. Simply pick a plan and enroll.
If your eligibility results say you have to provide documents, you should do so as soon as possible after you pick a plan. This will prevent a delay in your coverage starting.
You have 30 days to submit the documents.
Key dates: Special Enrollment Periods due to a coverage loss
Status of coverage loss | Pick a plan within... | Documents must be submitted within... | Coverage starts, if premium paid |
Already lost coverage | 60 days after date coverage ended | 30 days of picking a plan | First day of month after you pick a plan |
Will lose coverage in the future | 60 days before date coverage will end | 30 days of picking a plan | First day of month after your coverage ends and you pick a plan |
Key dates: Special Enrollment Periods due to a move
Pick a plan within... | Documents must be submitted within... | Coverage starts, if premium paid |
60 days after the date you moved | 30 days of picking a plan |
First day of month after you pick a plan |
Key dates: Special Enrollment Periods due to gaining a dependent
Pick a plan within... | Documents must be submitted within... | Coverage starts, if premium paid |
60 days after the event | 30 days of picking a plan |
Coverage will go back to the date of adoption, foster care placement, or date that the court order took effect. |
Key dates: Special Enrollment Periods due to marriage
Pick a plan within... | Documents must be within... | Coverage starts, if premium paid |
60 days after marriage | 30 days of picking a plan | First day of the month after you pick a plan |
Special Enrollment Periods due to Medicaid/Nevada Check Up(CHIP) application during Open Enrollment OR a Medicaid/CHIP assessment by Nevada Health Link during Open Enrollment AND denial to the application submitted during Open Enrollment dated after Open Enrollment has ended. See more details here.
Pick a plan within... | Documents must be submitted within... | Coverage starts, if premium paid |
60 days after denial (Note: Denial must be based on application submitted during Open Enrollment) |
30 days of picking a plan |
First day of the month after you pick a plan Need a different start date? If you originally applied through Nevada Health Link, contact us. |